Track 2: SMALL Business
Workshop Title: Establish Your Business Credit Score for Better Rates
Workshop Presenter: Mae Yang
This workshop explores the importance of building a strong credit profile and learning the key elements of credit, the information contained in their credit history, how credit functions, and the correlation between personal vs. business credits. This workshop teaches participants the importance of qualifying their business credit profile from their credit profile. This workshop will cover the necessary steps and requirements of building their personal and business credit
Workshop Presenter: Mae Yang
This workshop explores the importance of building a strong credit profile and learning the key elements of credit, the information contained in their credit history, how credit functions, and the correlation between personal vs. business credits. This workshop teaches participants the importance of qualifying their business credit profile from their credit profile. This workshop will cover the necessary steps and requirements of building their personal and business credit
- By understanding and building a creditworthy business, participants get to leverage the power of their company, build a business credit asset, and protect their credit at the same time.
- Participants will comprehend the importance of building a positive payback record with lenders. Participants will recognize the advantages and disadvantages of using credit and interpret their credit report data.
- Participants will walk away with resources relevant to monitoring their credit.
Workshop Title: Bookkeeping - Why it's Essential for Small Business Profitability
Workshop Presenter: Mai Vang-Hodahkwen
An hour-long workshop on how bookkeeping can help foster small business profitability. Topics will include:
Workshop Presenter: Mai Vang-Hodahkwen
An hour-long workshop on how bookkeeping can help foster small business profitability. Topics will include:
- Most common bookkeeping mistakes
- Internal purposes
- External purposes
- Attendees will learn the multi-purpose functions and benefits of bookkeeping and how they can apply it to their own business to help increase profits.
Workshop Title: Hmong Chambers of Commerce Discussion Panel
Workshop Presenter: Maysee Herr, Yao Yang, & Yia Her
This workshop will be a discussion between the 3 Hmong Chambers of Commerce located in CA, MN, and WI.
Workshop Presenter: Maysee Herr, Yao Yang, & Yia Her
This workshop will be a discussion between the 3 Hmong Chambers of Commerce located in CA, MN, and WI.
- Attendees will learn the ins and out of the Hmong Chambers organization.